Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Internet Librarian Bloggers

Internet Librarian 2006 has a wiki and a page of bloggers attending the conference. Photos of the conference can be found in Flickr with the tag IL2006.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Participatory Networks

From Library Journal news:

"A draft paper, Participatory Networks: The Library as Conversation, produced for the American Library Association's Office for Information Technology Policy, is aimed to nudge the "conversation business" of libraries—e.g., library speaker series, book groups, and collection development processes—to a new life online. However, according to authors R. David Lankes and Joanne Silverstein, of the Information Institute of Syracuse, library catalogs fall short and libraries have yet to take full advantage of online opportunities. "Wikis, blogs and recommender systems replace dial up bulletin boards and local databases as a means to empower our communities," the authors write. "Libraries should adopt participatory network concepts and software not because they are new, or sexy, but because they match our most fundamental mission: knowledge creation and dissemination." The participatory notion extends to the paper itself; comments are welcomed, even via a wiki."

Friday, October 20, 2006

Miss Dewey Search

Check out Miss Dewey, a new search engine that talks to you among other things. Forbes has a short article about this search engine.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Repeat workshop: Demystifying Virtual Communication

CARL North Information Technology Interest Group Presents:

Demystifying Virtual Communication Workshop on RSS, Podcasts, Wikis, and IM for Librarians. Workshop first presented in August 2006, but immediately filled. This is a repeat.

Space is limited; register soon, if interested.

Friday, December 15, 2006
AT&T Executive Briefing Center, 795 Folsom Street, 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94107.
[Near Public Transportation and Public Parking]

9:00 - 9:30 - Coffee, Tea, Juice and Registration
9:30 - 9:45 - Welcome and Introductions – Mari T. Miller, UC Berkeley
9:45 - 10:30 - RSS: What, Why, and How - Sue (Chesley) Perry, UC Santa Cruz
10:35 - noon - Podcasts – Sheila Cunningham, UC Davis and Ann Hubble, UC Santa Cruz
12:00 – 1:00 LUNCH, networking, tours of AT&T Executive Briefing Center
1:00 - 2:00 - Wikis 101 - Phoebe Ayers, UC Davis
2:00 - 3:00 - IM what IM - Locke Morrisey, USF and Cindi Trainor, Claremont College
3:00 - 4:00 - Cool Tools demonstrations by AT&T Executive Briefing Center

Mre information at

You do not need to be a member to attend; If you are interested in joining CARL, see

The workshop is $30. Includes morning refreshments and lunch (sandwich and salad buffet.) Advance registration required.

Make your check payable to CARL by November 17, 2006 and send to: Ann Hubble, CARL-IT North IT, Electronic Information Resources Librarian, Science & Engineering Library, UC Santa Cruz , 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz , CA 95064.
Questions? Contact Ann at 831-459-4974 or

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Registration form






CARL Member (YES/NO):

No refunds after November 30, 2006.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Podcast Academy at Boston U

Thanks to Steve Sloan from SJSU for this blog entry:

Boston University has created an archive of its Podcast Academy. Also included are powerpoint presentations on such topics as, "Podcasting and Public Radio" and "Equipment to fit your budget."

Thursday, October 05, 2006

25 Technologies in 50 Minutes

25 Technologies in 50 Minutes

Date : Nov 14, 2006
Start Time : 8 a.m. Pacific
Length : 01:00:00

"Lots of technologies are due consideration for our library portals. Which would be on your top 25 list? We can't do it all at once but we should be trying more than a few out to learn about them. Stephen Abram, SirsiDynix's Vice President of Innovation lists a technology application every 120 seconds in this roller coaster ride of what's out there in LibraryLand and which one's are worth playing with and seeing if they'll be useful to your library and your community of users. Join us for the cook's tour of what's in the front of the pack for the 2.0 Community Portal."

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

2006 Horizons Report 6 Technologies

From CARL member Mari Miller:

The 2006 Horizon Report highlights six technologies that are predicted to become very important to higher education is the next one to five years. The report is a collaboration between Educause and the New Media Consortium.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Marshall Breeding on Managing Electronic Collections

From CARL member Jackie Siminitus:

Marshall Breeding, Director of Innovative Technologies and Research at Vanderbuilt University addressed a NISO workshop in Denver recently on "Managing Electronic Collections; Strategies from Content to User."

RedLightGreen: End of Service November 1, 2006

More information available in the press release.

RedLightGreen: End of Service Effective November 1, 2006

"As of November 1st, RedLightGreenSM will no longer be available as a service, and users are encouraged to explore for locating the best bibliographic resources. Since RLG debuted RedLightGreen in 2003, there has been a sea-change in thinking about ways to provide access to bibliographic information. RLG is very proud that RedLightGreen was among the first of these efforts, and pleased that so many of you joined with us in pioneering the way forward. OCLC has likewise made steps towards providing more intuitive ways for end users to find materials of interest on the shelves of their local library?first through the Open WorldCat program, and as of earlier this summer, via"

Monday, October 02, 2006

UC Berkeley and Google Partner

From Mari Miller, CARL N IT member and UCB Librarian:

UC Berkeley is offering free online courses thanks to a partnership with Google.

Keep in mind that online courses are available through other universities as well. Check out this page of free college courses from LifeHacker.