Wednesday, September 20, 2006

ACRL Fall Virtual Institute, November 9th

Thanks to CARL member Susan Boyd, Librarian at Santa Clara University for this entry.

Registration is now open for the ACRL Fall Virtual Institute, "The
User at the Center,
" which will be held completely online on November 9, 2006.

October 26, 2006, is the advance registration deadline.

The institute will focus on how libraries can use technologies
and practice to put the user at the center of the information enterprise on campus.

The ACRL Fall Virtual Institute will provide participants with a
framing featured speaker, Jeffrey Trzeciak, University Librarian at
McMaster University, as well as concurrent sessions focusing on topics
varying from vlogging to wikis to user perceptions.

Complete program descriptions

Registration materials

Questions? Contact; 312-280-2522.


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