Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Social Software survey

Michael Stephens, one of Library Journal's Movers and Shakers 2005, is conducting a survey on Libraries and Social Software. Types of questions asked include, "Does your library use a public or internal blog? Does your library use a wiki?"His findings will help in future presentations and classes.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Site Explorer

Want to know which webpages link to your web site? Here are two tools to find out:

Try Yahoo Site Explorer. This site provides the most popular pages of a website as well as pags that point to that website.

Another method is to use Google Search and plug in the following search syntax without spaces: [i.e.,]

The link feature is also an option in the Google Advanced Search page.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

CARLNIT Workshop on RSS, Podcasts, Wikis, and IM


CARL North IT will present: "Demystifying Virtual Communication : RSS, Podcasts, Wikis and IM"

Friday, August 25, 2006
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library, San Jose, California

Details to be announced later.

IM and other Social Software PPT Presentation

The Librarian in Black, aka Sarah Houghton, recently gave a talk on Instant Messaging and other Social Software at Berkeley Public Library.

Sarah says, "Anyone is welcome to take the presentation, modify it to your heart's content, and use it to explain and promote the use of social software in your own library."

Thank you Sarah!

Monday, May 22, 2006

The Biz Wiki and Biz Blog from Ohio U.

Chad Boeninger, Reference & Instruction Librarian at the Alden Library Ohio University Libraries, created a biz wiki to "experiment with an alternative form delivery of library information."

Chad comments, "Traditionally, recommended library resources are listed in subject guides or pathfinders. I have three subject guides that cover business information resources: one for General Business, one for International Business, and one for Marketing. While these Research Guides contain good information, they are difficult to update, as they are three separate html pages. In addition, they are not the most interesting things to read, are not searchable, and contain duplicated information. As a result, it can often take some time to find the best resource to use when consulting these traditional research guides for help. This wiki might be a good alternative to the traditional research guide format, and could perhaps compliment the business blog quite nicely."

If you know of other librarian created wikis/blogs, let us know!

Friday, May 05, 2006

The iPod story at GCSU

Georgia College & State University, a 100% wireless campus, has a diverse and growing list of iPod projects that enhance teaching and learning, and it also has a new Library and Information Technology Center. Learn more about its iPod story, includings its iVillage, a virtual learning community and Beyond the Classroom.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Mobile User, June 1, 2006

What: The Mobile User Broadcast & Webcast Live from The Wireless Community & Mobile User Conference in Monterey, CA.

The three-part Ready2Net program focuses on current initiatives and examines the consequences of Mobility and Education, Mobility and Community, and Mobility and Public Policy. Panelists will discuss topics ranging from student and faculty mobile learning to forming government and business partnerships for school and community-wide networks to the public policy issues concerning municipal Wi-Fi.

Who: CSU Monterey Bay, Wireless Education & Technology Center--Transforming Education in the Age of Mobility

When: June 1, 2006

08:30 AM - 010:00 AM Pacific Time
09:30 AM - 11:00 AM Mountain Time
10:30 AM - NOON Central Time
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Eastern Time

Windows Live Academic Search

Barbara Quint, editor-in-chief of Searcher, and a columnist for Information Today, talks about Windows Live Academic Search in her NewsBreaks column. The article addresses:

"So what does the new Windows Live Academic Search service really provide for users? How will it appeal to librarians? What relationships will it need to build with publishers? How will competitors react? Is Microsoft committed to the product?"

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

HigherEd BlogCon

HigherEd BlogCon is "a fully web-based event focused on how new online communications technologies and social tools are changing Higher Education. HigherEd BlogCon 2006 seeks to engage the Higher Education community in a conversation on the use of blogs, wikis, RSS, audio and video podcasts, social networks, and other digital tools in a range of areas in academe." Plans are underway for a 2007 event.

GTC West 2006, May 19 in Sacramento

The annual Government Technology Conference is at the Sacramento
Convention Center on May 15-19, 2006. GTC addresses policy, management and technology issues facing government. If you would like an invitation to the exhibits, please contact fellow CARL member Jackie Siminitus

Online Resources (SMS, IM, VR) Wiki

The Online Resources wiki, part of the Library Success Best Practices wiki created by Librarian Meredith Farkas, provides resources for IM software, libraries using IM and SMS, virtual reference, software for SMS and other types of software, such as Skype, that have potential for online reference.

Computers in Libraries 2006

Presentations from Computers in Libraries 2006, The Technology Conference for Information Age Librarians, are available. The conference title was Managing Digital: Innovations, Initiatives, and Insights

2nd Annual BlogHer Conference in San Jose, CA

What: The second annual BlogHer Conference
When: July 28th and 29th, 2006

Where: Hyatt San Jose in San Jose, CA.

Theme: How are your blogs changing your world?

Day One's Conference Schedule: Day One is a day of hands-on instruction on a variety of topics, most technically-focused.

Day Two's Conference Schedule: Day Two focuses on community, conversation and the culture of blogging. Day Two also includes our Room of Your Own sessions. Room of Your Own sessions are sessions that were created, staffed and proposed by BlogHer Conference attendees.